Programmers, especially beginners fall short in knowledge because most of the time they ignore the importance of understanding how the code works and just focus on what is the result.
Line Of Code is built with the main motive of helping people understand programming a little better .
Facing difficulty in finding the cause of error in your code? Facing difficulty in understanding a code block? Want to convert a code snippet to some other language?
Try using Line Of Code for finding the solutions to all your questions related to programming.
Line Of Code aims to provide a platform for programmers at any level for posting any question related to programming along with a code snippet and also share their knowledge with the world.
Get help from others, share your knowledge and explore quality content for gaining better conceptual understanding of programming.
Features of Line Of Code-
* Post questions along with code snippets.
* Get solutions from experienced developers.
* Share your knowledge, encourage and help others for making programming easy to learn.
* Search for code snippets and find posts post relevant to it.
* Bookmark questions and keep track of the question posts you are interested in.
*Get early access by becoming a beta tester of this app and contribute to the app's development by providing your valuable feedback.
Pengaturcara, terutamanya pemula kurang pengetahuan kerana kebanyakan masa mereka mengabaikan kepentingan memahami bagaimana kod itu berfungsi dan hanya memberi tumpuan kepada apa yang hasilnya.
Talian Kod dibina dengan motif utama untuk membantu orang memahami pengaturcaraan dengan lebih baik.
Menghadapi kesukaran untuk mencari punca kesilapan dalam kod anda? Menghadapi kesukaran untuk memahami blok kod? Mahu menukar coretan kod kepada beberapa bahasa lain?
Cuba gunakan Line of Code untuk mencari penyelesaian kepada semua soalan yang berkaitan dengan pengaturcaraan.
Line Of Code bertujuan untuk menyediakan platform bagi pengaturcara di mana-mana peringkat untuk menghantar sebarang soalan yang berkaitan dengan pengaturcaraan bersama dengan coretan kod dan juga berkongsi pengetahuan mereka dengan dunia.
Dapatkan bantuan daripada orang lain, kongsi pengetahuan dan meneroka kandungan berkualiti untuk mendapatkan pemahaman konseptual yang lebih baik mengenai pengaturcaraan.
Ciri-ciri Line Of Code-
* Siaran soalan bersama dengan coretan kod.
* Dapatkan penyelesaian daripada pemaju yang berpengalaman.
* Kongsi pengetahuan anda, dorong dan bantu orang lain untuk membuat pengaturcaraan mudah dipelajari.
* Cari coretan kod dan cari jawatan yang berkaitan dengannya.
* Menanda soalan dan menjejaki jawatan pertanyaan yang anda minati.
* Dapatkan akses awal dengan menjadi penguji beta aplikasi ini dan menyumbang kepada pembangunan aplikasi dengan memberikan maklum balas berharga anda.
Programmers, especially beginners fall short in knowledge because most of the time they ignore the importance of understanding how the code works and just focus on what is the result.
Line Of Code is built with the main motive of helping people understand programming a little better .
Facing difficulty in finding the cause of error in your code? Facing difficulty in understanding a code block? Want to convert a code snippet to some other language?
Try using Line Of Code for finding the solutions to all your questions related to programming.
Line Of Code aims to provide a platform for programmers at any level for posting any question related to programming along with a code snippet and also share their knowledge with the world.
Get help from others, share your knowledge and explore quality content for gaining better conceptual understanding of programming.
Features of Line Of Code-
* Post questions along with code snippets.
* Get solutions from experienced developers.
* Share your knowledge, encourage and help others for making programming easy to learn.
* Search for code snippets and find posts post relevant to it.
* Bookmark questions and keep track of the question posts you are interested in.
*Get early access by becoming a beta tester of this app and contribute to the app's development by providing your valuable feedback.